Integrated Learning Specialist Program elective starting June 13

Here’s an exciting Integrated Learning Specialist Program elective opportunity at the Oakland Museum of California! To register, email Mariah Rankine-Landers at


(Thank you to our friends at the Alameda County Office of Education for sharing this amazing opportunity with us!)

Art and the Trojan Horse

Why are the arts such a vital part of education? Well, for students at Loma Alta in Marin County, art helps them to express their feelings and think about the world in a way that eases their hearts. Here are two students description of art in their own words. These poems and others appear in this year’s Marin Poetry Anthology.


Art is a way to express

my thoughts and feelings

without using words. Sometimes

it’s helpful to use art

or just draw in order

to get some frustration out.

by Nic


Art is you and me

Art is her and him

Art is the trees in the


Art is your mother and father

Art is the walls that surround


Art is the air

Art is all around us

Art is our world

Art is everyone and everything

For we were all created by someone

or something
by Katie

Trojan Horse Statue

Students at Loma Alta worked together to create this art piece called Trojan Horse.